*The blog has changed since the writing of this post
For finding out who I, Jihyun Julie Jeon, am, one has to look no further than my blog. Although there aren't any posts on it yet, everything, from the name to the background, represents a part of me.
For finding out who I, Jihyun Julie Jeon, am, one has to look no further than my blog. Although there aren't any posts on it yet, everything, from the name to the background, represents a part of me.
The name of my blog, 0110110101101001011011100110010000100000011100000110000101101100011000010110001101100101, is actually binary code for "My Mind Palace" (I wanted to have a more personal name like "Jihyun's Mind Palace" but I couldn't get it to fit under 100 characters) The use of binary code represents my passion for computer programming and my dreams to become a computer programmer.
The name itself, "Mind Palace", is a reference to the BBC hit tv series, Sherlock. A keen Sherlockian would have noticed that the first sentence of this post is also a reference to part of a scene in "The Sign of Three". I am a huge fan of the series, having binge-watched it at least 4 times. Every time I watch the series, everything from the spectacular deductions to the unique characters never fails to surprise me.
The background photograph is supposed to represent my love for going to new places. I don't necessarily mean traveling, which I also enjoy. I enjoy living in other countries, whether for 2 weeks or for 5 years, and meeting new people and getting hands-on experience of the culture. One of my dreams is to live in at least 2 countries of all continents and I hope it comes true one day.

My laptop is able to cover parts about me that my blog couldn't. Everything that I love (and could find a pretty sticker of) is decorating my laptop. Sherlock, of course, is on it along with How I Met Your Mother and The Office. My favorite book series, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, is up there along with various Disney stickers. Finally, dogs are decorating every empty spot. Some people say that my laptop looks unorganized but I love looking at it, thinking about all the things that make me happy.
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